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Our feature-rich mobile app puts the power of Binoinvest in the palm of your hand.

Binoinvest Mobile syncs to your online account, allowing you to check your positions, trade stocks and crypto.

The power of Binoinvest in your pocket

  • Enjoy core features such as Hot Lists, Quotes and the Matrix, all from the palm of your hand.
  • Binoinvest Mobile is simple yet powerful. It’s easy to use, paired with the power of the Binoinvest ecosystem.

Ready to try it out?

The Binoinvest Mobile iOS and Android apps are available on the Apple and Google App Stores.
Not a Binoinvest client? Don’t let that stop you. Traders without an account can freely download and preview the Binoinvest Mobile App. And trust us – you’re going to like it.

Tech Features

Still not convinced? Just ask the experts: our customers. There’s a reason we’re a highly-rated online broker app in both Apple’s and Google’s app stores, and you’re invited to experience it for yourself.

Get streaming quotes in real time

  • Find trading opportunities in real-time with streaming quotes for stocks, indices, options, futures, and cryptocurrencies – all in a single screen view.
  • Be ready to trade your go-to symbols by creating a custom list that sorts and ranks them in real-time.

Analyze and trade options spreads on the go

  • View a list of popular options spread strategies or customize your own strategy.
  • View up-to-the-second price and volume information across all strikes and expirations.
  • Supercharge your analysis by accessing options Greeks from the options chain.

Monitor market depth and trade from the Matrix

  • Plot your next move by monitoring details about the market’s price depth and liquidity other traders can’t see.
  • Place and manage orders with a single tap directly from the Matrix window.

Get mobile alerts on price and volume swings

  • Create real-time alerts – so you never miss trading opportunities.
    Customize your set-up with multiple alert types, including net change, VWAP, and volume.

Analyze charts with indicators – anytime, anywhere

  • Add dozens of commonly used technical studies to your charts and customize their parameters.
  • Use drawing tools to identify significant movements, patterns, and trends quickly.

Place orders with ease and split-second precision

  • Seize trading opportunities as they occur for stocks, ETFs, options, and futures.
  • Select the size, type, routing, and duration of your trade with ease and efficiency.

Track your positions, orders and balances

  • Toggle between accounts to monitor your positions and orders in a single window.

Award-winning* trading platform

Year in and year out, leading financial publications have recognizedBinoinvest’s award-winning trading software and brokerage services.

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